If you reside in the United States or Canada, you can withdraw funds that you’ve earned directly to your bank account. Please follow these steps. Please note these steps assume that you’ve already added your bank account previously.
1. Log into the Peeks website at www.peeks.com.
2. Click on your profile picture on the top right of the screen and select My Wallet.
3. Click on the Withdraw button on the wallet screen.
4. In the Amount field, enter the amount you wish to withdraw. Please note that you can only withdraw up to the amount shown for Your Available Commissions on the same page. Please do not include a dollar sign ($) or spaces when typing in the amount.
5. In the Payment Method dropdown, select the BANK account that you wish to have the funds sent to.
6. Tap on the Confirm Withdraw button to complete your request.
Click here to see a video demonstrating how to add a bank account and make a withdrawal.